Shree Golmeswori Basic School
Shree Golmesori School was established in 2008 BS. The school has around 293 students and 11 teachers, 10 of them supported by the government and one Math Teacher from HELP. It runs from grade 1 to grade 8 and also offers a Nursery class. All the subjects except English are taught in Nepali. The children are aged between 3-17 years old.
You will be expected to teach from 10 AM to 4 PM with an hour of lunch break. Each subject period is 40 minutes long.
NOTE: Following the global crisis COVID-19 in April, a humongous effect on education has added challenges to schools and in the field of education. The students have stopped coming to the school whereas others stopped showing interest in the class.
Golmeshwori is one of the 5 schools HELP has signed an MoU with PanchPokhari-Thangpal Rural Municipality and HELP sent 1 Maths Saathi teacher in July.
Subjects taught:
All the textbooks except English are in Nepali and the students are mostly instructed in Nepali.
(Compulsory) Mathematics- arithmetic, algebra and geometry are more significantly divided as you go to higher grades.
Science- basic ideas like living and nonliving things, plants, etc. in junior classes while textbooks in senior classes have physics, chemistry, biology and astronomy lessons.
English- stories, poems, biography and similar texts and grammar
Social Studies- society-its problems and solutions, geography, history, organizations
Nepali- stories, poems, biographies, Nepali grammar and similar texts
Optional Subject- OBTE, Moral Science and Health & Physical
Students’ Level of English Comprehension
Senior Classes (Grade 4 and above)
Reading- can read the texts in their books with very much difficulty, without properly understanding them.
Writing- Very few students in a class can manage to write grammatically correct sentences.
Speaking- the pupils cannot properly communicate with volunteers and students can be shy, but in higher classes, their confidence increases and they are better at communicating.
Junior Classes (Grades 3 and lower)
Reading- very few students in a class can manage to read the simplest texts in their books.
Writing- Can barely write some of the simplest words they learn.
Speaking- can manage to communicate with the volunteers but are shy
Teacher’s level of English: All of the teachers can communicate well with the volunteers.
Exams: Teachers construct questions and exercises from the textbooks. They have simple monthly tests and more important exams every 4 months.
All classrooms have whiteboards.
School has a regular water supply and the toilets are in proper condition.
The School has a playground.
The school has a small library in the office room. So it can be utilized.
How to teach effectively: The school owns a textbook for each school subject. You can copy a list of topics from the textbooks that you feel you would like to teach using the materials you have brought and/or the techniques you have acquired and teach in your own way. This will give the local teachers an idea of how to teach the rest of the chapters in the book in an interactive way. You can be an inspiration for the local teachers.
The children love doing homework if it is interesting, so keep giving them some creative homework every day to ensure the students are revising their lessons. Try making the students take benefit from the environment they have. E.g. herbarium, collection of wild fruits and flowers, etc. You can bring stickers that you can paste onto the exercise books of students who do the best homework and classwork. This excites the students and the class environment, inspiring them to learn properly and be disciplined.
Things that could make teaching easier for you: Card games for improving vocabulary and teaching sentence structures, teaching aids to help teach pronunciation (as most the teachers learnt English pronunciation in the wrong way, the children learn it wrong as well. It is a wonderful opportunity for you to make the children’s basics of English up to date). Whiteboard markers would also be useful.