Shree Bhotang Secondary School, Bhotang
Shree Bhotang Devi Secondary School is a secondary school located in Panchpokhari-Thangpal-3 where students can get an education from nursery (pre-school) to Grade 10. Children ageing from three years to 16 years attend the school which has a total number of 420 students of which 215 are female while 205 are male students.
A total of 14 teachers are employed at the school of which six are government funded, three are Teach for Nepal fellows and remaining nine are managed by the local community.
Classes are run from 10 AM to 4 PM and each subject period lasts around 45 minutes.
NOTE: Following the devastating earthquakes in April and May in 2015, several of our partner schools including Bhotang suffered major damage, which destroyed much of its infrastructure including classrooms, toilets and the playground, as well vital educational resources such as whiteboards, desks and benches.
Subjects taught:
All the textbooks except Nepali are in English but the students are mostly instructed in Nepali.
The school has three computers and we encourage our volunteers to spend some time training the teachers/ students in basic computer skills.
Students’ Level of English comprehension
Senior Classes (Grade 4 and above)
Reading- can read the texts in their books and actually understand them very well
Writing- mainly because the school has been using English textbooks, writing is fairly good, but sometimes understanding is limited, as students are used to just copying
Speaking-the pupils can communicate with volunteers; especially students in higher classes
Junior Classes (Grades 3 and lower)
Reading- can read their textbooks without frequent pauses
Writing- mainly because the school has been using English textbooks, writing is fairly good, but sometimes understanding is limited, as students are used to just copying
Speaking- can manage to communicate with the volunteers but are sometimes
Teacher’s level of English: Some of the teachers speak good English and all the teachers can communicate.
Since Teach for Nepal fellows are also appointed here, we can expect some improvement in the standard of English language. Please visit this site to read more about TFN's work.
Exams: Teachers construct questions and exercises from the textbooks. They have simple monthly tests and more important exams every 4 months.
Resources available
Contact Details of People in School |
Mr. Nir Bahadur Lopchan (Chair Person-School management Committee): +977 9803808330